An overview of the most relevant scientific publications from the founder and co-owner of ACT VR-supported Training Programs, Simone Ritter, and her co-authors can be found below.
How do we generate innovative ideas? How do you get people into the right mindset for ‘out of the box’ problem-solving?
The publications listed below present the results of techniques/methods that have been tested for their effectiveness to promote creative thinking.
Happy Creativity; Listening to Happy Music Facilitates Divergent Thinking
Eye-closure Enhances Creative Performance on Divergent and Convergent Creativity Tasks
Novelty Seeking is Linked to Openness and Extraversion, and Can Lead to Greater Creative Performance
Simply generating ideas is not sufficient. We must also be capable of identifying and selecting the most promising ideas. However, our performance in this context often does not exceed what would be expected based on chance alone, thereby risking the loss of significant creative potential.
The following publications explore how we can optimally shape the evaluation and selection of ideas.
The Effect of Rank-ordering Strategy on Creative Idea Selection Performance
Creativity: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Selection of Creative Ideas
Creativity: The Role of Unconscious Processes in Idea Generation and Idea Selection
Creativity: Intuitive Processing Outperforms Deliberative Processing in Creative Idea Selection
The following publications are relevant to the role of VR in stimulating creative thinking styles.
Below are publications of developed training programs that have been scientifically tested for their effectiveness.
Enhancement of Creative Thinking Skills Using a Cognitive-based Creativity Training
Fostering Students' Creative Thinking Skills by Means of a One-year Creativity Training Program
Fostering Children's Creative Thinking Skills with the 5-I Training Program
Online Creativity Training: Examining the Effectiveness of a Comprehensive Training Approach
General publication regarding lay theories in creativity.
The research concerning creativity, innovation, and behavior change by Simone Ritter has been discussed in the following articles, podcasts, and interviews.